![]() Transforming School & Other Systems
Review, comment on or prepare one page summaries Transforming school and other systems is a complex and ongoing challenge. The joint statement from several global educator organizations (the focus of this web site) suggests that the many different elements of school systems need to be aligned and coherent if significant reforms are to be implemented and institutionalized. It also suggests that the steps and processes to bring about these changes need to be planned, incremental and engaging to all stakeholders. These transformational steps and elements are part of a coherence model introduced on pages 7-8 of the discussion paper accompanying the joint statement. The simplified version of the coherence model used for this paper is shown above. Our expanded version provides more detail and the pages linked to this introductory page provide even more detailed lists and drop-down menus of the items in these categories/columns in the table below:
This page introduces several lists of items that need to be considered when school and other systems are being re. built, renewed or transformed. There are many items on each of these lists which are further described in one brief summaries in the drop-down menus on each page, in detail, Each summary briefly describes the item, its implications for promoting inclusion and equity as articulated in the joint educator statement and some examples of application of that item. We have created these detailed lists abd summaries because we think it is easier to work on small, specific changes rather than being faced only with broad, general statements about transforming systems. Go to our full lists of transformation processes or system elements which are the pages to which we will link several one page summaries explaining their importance (and including examples). We invite readers to review, comment on, or prepare these brief summaries in the feedback section below. The educator organizations thank the members of the Global Network of Deans of Education who are facilitating broad participation in this activity. Our suggested steps for system transformation are drawn from the UN a Guidance Note for translating the national commitments into action made at the UN Transforming Education Summit (TES) as well as basic steps undertaken by most education reform efforts which were identified in the joint educators’ statement on rebuilding, renewing and transforming school and other systems. These processes include items such as securing commitments from other ministries, integrating the transformation plan into existing national policies & plans, establishing an education reform commission and reviewing data, studies, reports and surveys on on child/youth safety, health & development as well as student retention and academic achievement. The key elements of school and other system operations that should be modified and aligned coherently to ensure a student centered, whole child approach promoting inclusion and equity include items such as using a student-centered approach that includes student and teacher agency, maintaining a balance among the core purposes/functions of schooling (learning to be, to do, to live together, to learn over the life course) and sustaining intersectoral partnerships by selecting, scaling up, & coordinating selected Intersectoral Policy/Program Coordination Frameworks (IPPCFs) such as healthy schools, safe schools and many others. Complete the response form below if you would like to review, comment on, or prepare one of our one page summaries. Each one page summary is intended to:
See examples of these one page summaries on these pages: Government Action Plans (Transformation Element) and on education reform commissions (steps to transformation) |
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