Summaries of Key Elements of Systems that Should be Considered When Transforming School & Other Systems
This page introduce a list of the elements of systems that need to be considered when school and other systems are being rebuilt, renewed or transformed. There are many items on this list which describes, in detail, the many elements that may need to be modified to create, support and sustain change. We have created these detailed lists because we think it is easier to work on small, specific changes rather than being faced with broad, general statements about transforming systems. Each of the underlined elements in the text below will be described in a one page summary that explains its importance and provides examples. Click on the elements with the active web links to access these brief summaries that have been prepared to date. Members of the Global Network of Deans of Education (GNDE) have agreed to take the lead on identifying individuals or organizations willing to review, comment on, or prepare these summaries. If you would like to be involved, in this process, please complete the feedback form below. The key elements of school and other system operations that should be modified and aligned coherently to ensure a student centered, whole child approach promoting inclusion and equity include:
System Elements
Web links to the brief descriptions of the many Transformation Elements listed in the drop-down menu below will be active when one page summary has been prepared ******** - Whole Government Vision - Whole Government Policy - Government Multi-Year Action Plans - Education Ministry Vision - Education Ministry Mission - Education Sector Plans - Stated Education Ministry Priorities - Schools in other Ministries Missions - School plans in other ministries - School missions in country context - Core pedagogical foundations - Student Centered approach - Student Agency - Teacher/educator agency - Whole child approach - Equity focus for system excellence - Balance in school core purposes - Range of learning opportunities - Balance in required core subjects - Holistic curriculum framework - Extended educational activities - Authorized textbooks, resources - Appropriate use of technologies - Generic student competencies - Curriculum standards/objectives - Student achievement standards - Student assessment policies - System/program assessments - Graduation pathways/accreditation - Support for critical transitions - Early childhood education programs - Early/Head Start Programs - Including special needs students - Transition to secondary school - Transition to work programs - Adult education programs - Technical-vocational programs - Out of school/entrance programs - Attendance/truancy policies - Dropout prevention programs - Structures of levels and grades - Limited streaming of students - Alternative schools - Home schooling policies - Individual education programs - Initial teacher education - Ongoing educator development - Certification Specialized Educators - Certification of other professionals - Support Intersectoral Cooperation - iPPCF Coordination Frameworks - Coordination of student services - Minimum school conditions - Minimum health/life skills curricula - Evidence-based Partnership models - Inter-ministry agreements - Inter-ministry coordinators - Inter-ministry mechanisms - Whole of government strategies - Joint sector plans - Joint sector reviews - Formal improvement systems - Continuous improvement approach - Structured MREI systems - Multiple, reliable indicators - Range of reporting activities - Aligned School Admin Handbooks - Aligned data systems (EMIS) - Range of policy-program surveys - Range of reports on children/youth - Periodic composite progress reports - Workforce plans for all employees - Minimum prof. development for all - Accreditation of initial edr. training - Accreditation of training for others - Basic funding levels for system - Appropriate categorical funding - Project funding builds systems - Inter-ministry program funding - Local authority taxation policies - Local school fees policies - Funding of minority schools - Decentralization policies/plans - Autonomy for local systems - Autonomous. professionals plan - Professional codes of conduct - School-based Management Policies - Distributed leadership approach - Delegated monitoring of standards Back to Transformation Elements page |
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Summaries on Transformation Processes & Elements.
Please join us in preparing one page summaries on transformation processes or system elements.
Go to this web page listing the processes or elements, use the drop-down menus at the bottom of that page to select the one page summary that you would like to review, comment on or prepare. If you are interested in more than one item, or want to make a general comment, use the text box to do so. Submit the form. We will contact you when the draft summary is available for review or to provide instructions on preparing a one page summary.
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions
Please join us in preparing one page summaries on transformation processes or system elements.
Go to this web page listing the processes or elements, use the drop-down menus at the bottom of that page to select the one page summary that you would like to review, comment on or prepare. If you are interested in more than one item, or want to make a general comment, use the text box to do so. Submit the form. We will contact you when the draft summary is available for review or to provide instructions on preparing a one page summary.
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions