Summaries of Key Steps that Should be Considered When Transforming School & Other Systems
This page introduces a list of strategic and formal steps items that need to be considered when school and other systems are being rebuilt, renewed or transformed. There are several steps that can lead to significant and sustainable change. We have created these detailed lists because we think it is easier to work on small, specific changes rather than being faced with broad, general statements about transforming systems. Each of the underlined steps in the text below will be described in a one page summary that explains its importance and provides examples. Click on the steps with the active web links to access these brief summaries that have been prepared to date. Members of the Global Network of Deans of Education (GNDE) have agreed to take the lead on identifying individuals willing to review, comment on, or prepare these summaries. If you would like to be involved, in this process, please complete the feedback form below. Our suggested steps for system transformation are drawn from the UN a Guidance Note for translating the national commitments into action made at the UN Transforming Education Summit (TES) as well as basic activities undertaken by most education reform efforts which were identified in the joint educators’ statement on rebuilding, renewing and transforming school and other systems. The countries could/should consider these steps: a) Agree on and adopt explicit strategic principles and first priorities such as the use of whole of government and whole of society approaches, focus on inequalities, engaging local communities and educators at all levels, empowering youth to participate and using evidence to inform policy and practice. b) Create wider and deeper ownership of the commitment to transformation by
g) Establishing and mandating a formal stakeholder advisory committee to monitor the inquiry and contribute to its report h) Commissioning reviews of data, reports, studies and surveys on child/youth safety, health & development as well as student retention and academic achievement, access & participation in early childhood, schooling and post-secondary education/training and youth employment - to feed into the inquiry and report i) Conducting specific consultations with representatives and surveys of all relevant personnel including teachers, education support professionals, principals, senior and mid-level managers, facilities, transportation, technology and student services managers, counsellors, psychologists, nurses, social workers, relief air and development workers, education deans and others. Complete the response form below if you would like to review, comment on, or prepare one of our one page summaries. Each one page summary is intended to:
transformation Steps
Web links to the brief descriptions of the many Transformation Steps listed in the drop-down menu below will be active when one page summary has been prepared ******** - Establish strategic principles of reform - Secure contributions of other ministries - Use existing events/processes in reform - Inter-ministry talks on school as a hub - Mar the wider stakeholder community - Preliminary or post-TES consultation - Create reform web site/platform - Identify how education reform supports national development plan/policy - Use regular inter-ministry meetings - Regular meetings with school staff reps - Anticipate major bottlenecks - Build administrator skills manage change - Use educators as action researchers - Build on successful local initiatives - Intersectoral monitor/resource matrix - Use existing monitoring mechanisms - Conduct local qualitative studies - Use global monitoring mechanisms - Use an education reform commission - Review data, reports surveys on children - Consult with reps of all employees Go back to Transformation Steps page |
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